Christine Courtelis


Christine Courtelis was born with Ebstein’s Anomaly. She lived a relatively “normal” life from childhood through early adulthood. In her early thirties she had her first open heart surgery to repair her tricuspid valve and place a pacemaker. From 2012 – 2013 she had three additional heart surgeries to again repair her tricuspid valve, place a new, more robust pacemaker system, and deal with other complications.

During Christine’s recovery from 2012 – 2013 she decided to change the direction of her career (she had been working successfully in the corporate world) and pursued her certificate as a Nutrition Consultant. She also developed and launched “MyHeartApp” the free app for heart patients and their doctors.

Christine holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Masters degree in Interdisciplinary Arts. She is also a Certified Nutrition Consultant specializing in working with clients who have heart disease.

Links Mentioned in our Show:


Christine Courtelis

Mayo Clinic’s page about Ebstein’s Anomaly with very interesting videos by Dr. Joseph Dearani, cardiovascular surgeon at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, NY

Ebstein’s Society

Ebstein’s Anomaly Foundation – Ebstein’s Anomaly article by Dr. David Adams

1 comments on “Christine Courtelis”

  1. Dear Chrissy,
    I am so pleased to know you are doing so well in life, I have thought about you hundreds, if not thousands af times in all these lost years. I would love to hear from you and catch up.
    Much love and always a friend,

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